Engineering for Change
After a summer of big changes, we are finally writing an update on progress. This summer has been one of true juggling of tasks for the InAGlobe team. As motivated as ever, we are now trying to get InAGlobe to take full flight, to standardise methodologies so that these can be iterated and improved in a formal manner and we can propagate our vision accordingly.
This summer, the greatest success was that of commencing two UROP (summer) projects with the Bioengineering Department of Imperial College London, as mentioned in the previous post. These two projects rendered very promising outcomes, and are now lined up for continuation in the upcoming academic year. This exercise was extremely fruitful for InAGlobe as it allowed us to understand the motivations and the dynamics that undergo the process.
Secondly, a very constructive relationship is being born with Engineering Change, a society at Imperial College London that gives students the possibility to exercise engineering for developing countries in an extra-curricular fashion. Engineering Change has been very promoting of the InAGlobe initiative and will be of great support. Their experience with the remote engineering model will be invaluable. Engineering Change has selected a handful of projects from our project catalog to allow students to embark on filling the identified voids. Furthermore, Engineering Change represented InAGlobe Education at Freshers Fair at Imperial College London, as to allow students to volunteer and gain experience in Project Identification and Network Expansion processes.
An incredibly cherished and valuable friendship with N. Samarakkodi has caused InAGlobe to start looking at Sri Lanka as a great source of both talent and partnerships. Thus InAGlobe is starting to collaborate with entities on the ground, these are often extremely dynamic, driven and young individuals that are truly accelerating change across the country, improving the lives of countless people.
These are only a few glimpses of the work done this summer, but we are happy to be able to communicate this progress with you because there is no more motivating work than that of which incredible impact can come about!